If you see an issue within the game please screenshot it immediately or record it.
After that please submit a request form here. Please provide a short explanation with your evidence along with the link to your Roblox profile account. This is enough for the development team to start investigating it.
If you want to provide more detail follow this exact format for submitting a bug.
Bug Explained: Explanation of the bug, what is happening, what did you do beforehand.
Roblox Profile Url: Profile link to your Roblox account.
Optional, but helpful - Bug Evidence: Picture or Video of the bug occurring.
Optional, but helpful - Additional Information: Club Codes, Device used (Mobile, PC, Console), Server Version number.
Optional, but helpful - Screenshots of your console logs. Type /console into the chat and untick info and output. We're looking for warnings and errors that might explain the cause of the issue.